Case Study

Gabar Metaverse
Gabar is a London niche scent brand that had difficulty in reaching new audiences and raising awareness. Also, selling scent online needs a lot of touchpoints to drive the conversion.
ONEWAYX, in alignment with Gabar's creative team, set the Virtual world in a desert landscape, bringing together human made and natural elements. Since the launch, we have seen an increase in engagement on Gabar’s social media channel by +161%, and the time spent interacting with the brand has gone up by 115%.

Designer Showroom
Alarice, a leading digital marketing agency specialising in
the Chinese market, has teamed up with Gemma A Williams,
a well-known fashion journalist. Together, they launched a
report introducing the top 50 up-and-coming Chinese designers.
ONEWAYX designed an interactive showroom in the Beijing
Summer Palace to bring the report to life. This showroom
showcases the profiles of the designers and their latest
campaign images and provides readers with links for exploration.
Designer Showroom
Alarice, a leading digital marketing agency specialising in
the Chinese market, has teamed up with Gemma A Williams, a well-known fashion journalist. Together, they launched a report introducing the top 50 up-and-coming Chinese designers.
ONEWAYX designed an interactive showroom in the Beijing Summer Palace to bring the report to life. This showroom showcases the profiles of the designers and their latest campaign images and provides readers with links for exploration.


ONEWAYX has been diligent in ongoing collaboration to optimise our space, aiming to provide tangible value through increased engagement, deeper connections with our community members, and, more importantly, guiding our audience further along the conversion funnel.
Phway Su Aye, Gabar
Co-Founder + Creative Director

The way in which ONEWAYX work with brands allows for the metaverse to become accessible to businesses it hasn't reached yet. ONEWAYX is levelling the playing field for small businesses when it comes to the metaverse by offering easy-to-use solutions.
Grace Warn
Head of Production